The fourth part of Manuel de Falla´s unpublished letters to Miguel Llobet. They have been transcribed, once more, by Santiago Míguez de la Rosa. (IN THE LOWER SIDE OF THIS ARTICLE, WE WILL LEAVE YOU THE LINK TO THE PREVIOUS LETTERS PUBLISHED ON OUR WEB)
Mr. Miguel Llobet 4 bis Regomir St. Barcelona
Certificate (2 March 1921)
This morning I received your telephone call. Many thanks for your kind efficacy. It is a pity that you have to play the piece on the piano. It is a concert of the S.M. I. in which every piece of Debussy´s Tombeau can be found.
I was told there that nobody who could play it on the guitar was found, no matter how long they searched for them…
Now coming back about your concert, where I should have started with:
As you can imagine, I can not wait to see Granada included in the Tournée. If it was not so, you could indeed perform in two concerts on your own, in the Palace Hall (the only possible concert hall in Granada). Cassadó has played there, and can brief you if required. Segovia performed twice before a crowd. Needless to say, we will do anything necessary to prepare the audience, etc etc. The only essential thing would be for your concerts to take place as close as possible to the spring time -as spring itself is not possible-, as nobody goes to the Palace in winter. Barrios, a great admirer of yours, would take care of everything related to that matter, along with me and other friends
I will be here until I travel to London (a trip I had to cancel because of my condition), which will not be until the second half of April.
We shall take great walks around this sacred place!!
Kind Regards from María del Carmen (my brother Germán is in Madrid) and mine, as well, for you, from your true admirer and friend.
Remite: Manuel de Falla
Carmen de Sta Engracia
Addresser: Falla: Alhambra, Granada
The Fund of Artistic Centre in the Local Archive of Granada´s city hall preserves the hand programme of the concerts Manuel de Falla mentions. The cover is framed. In the heading, we can read “Centro Artístico de Granada”, responsible for the guitar concerts by Andrés Segovia (guitar), Gaspar Cassadó and Gabriel Abreu (violoncello and piano). The concert took place in the theatre of the Alhambra-Palace-Hotel, on 20 and 21 April 1918. Inside the programme, framed, there was the content of the concert. The back of the second page contains the emblem of the institution.
Miguel Llobet did not include Granada in his Tournée, and Falla, finally, travelled to London in May.
Santiago Míguez de la Rosa, 04 de November 2020.
Click to access the previous letters: