06 Nov Solera Flamenca is taking part in XXI INTERNATIONAL FLAMENCO GUITAR CONTEST
The contest will take place in the “Tertulia flamenca de L’Hospitalet”, on 8 and 9 November of this year, 2019. You can access the contst requirements and the REGISTRATION FORM by clicking on the following link:
Correo electrónico: secretariatertuliaflh@gmail.com
Teléfono de contacto: 639.701.837
On 12 March 1982 the Tertulia Flamenca de L’Hospitalet arranged a soiree completely devoted to flamenco guitar for concerts. The aim was to enjoy and assess our guitarists´ skills, in a more demanding discipline than singing or dancing ; I was a guest myself, preluding the evening event with a brief story about our beloved instrument. Next, the four performers started his show in Can Serra High School. Juan Manuel Cañizares, Pedro Sierra, Romero de Badajoz and José Luís Cortés were the protagonists of that unforgettable event.
The success obtained was unexpected, to say the least, which encouraged the organization so much that it was decided to arrange a more relevant event for the next year. The event thus became a contest, where the performers would struggle for some prizes. In 1983, with the famous guitarist Paco Cepero as a jury member. Pedro Sierra won the first prize.

Year after year, the contest continued taking place, with the name “Ciutat de L’Hospitalet Flamenco Guitar Contest”. From 1987, it was thought the contest should be more international. And so it became: More attractive prizes brought 18 guitarists from all over Spain, and one thousand people witnessed the event. Manuel Cano, the guitarist, was a jury member here, as well as a guest artist. The guitarist José Luís Rodríguez, popular guitarist from Huelva, was awarded with the first prize.
From then on, the yearly contest became a Biennial, but became popular across the Spanish borders. Some guitar teachers from Florence Conservatory (Italy), from Dijon (France), even some contestants from Peru. Recently, with the popularity of the social media, L’Hospitalet contest is world-famous and has been given this honourable name.
The aim of this contest is to protect flamenco guitar, as it is the instrument which identifies us best. At the same time, this instrument has contributed to the popularity of our city, because of an event which was meant only for some people to enjoy a flamenco guitar concert.
From Solera Flamenca we are really proud of having the chance to enjoy and take part in this event so we can contribute to the projection and expansion of music culture in general, and flamenco guitar in particular. WE WILL BE WAITING FOR YOU!!!