As we promised you, here you are: the third part of Manuel de Falla´s unpublished letters to Miguel Llobet. They have been transcribed, once more, by Santiago Míguez de la Rosa. (IN THE LOWER SIDE OF THIS ARTICLE, WE WILL LEAVE YOU THE LINK TO THE PREVIOUS LETTERS PUBLISHED ON OUR WEB)
Granada 21-XII-20
My dearest friend Llobet: it is certain that it has been ages since you last heard from me. However -what a strange coincidence- I did mean to write to you when I received your letter. If I did not do it earlier, and if I did not finish your two pieces, is because I have been feeling poorly recently after I came to Granada. At present, I am feeling better, thank God, although I must have a mouth and nose surgery as soon as I finish El Retablo de Maese Pedro, which must be delivered to the editor next month. I must work on this project with utmost caution so I prevent myself from getting too tired before the surgery.
After that, when the recovery process is finished, I shall be continuing my work schedule, and then I will be able to finish, God willing, the two new pieces for guitar, which are quite ahead of scheduled…
Once more, I enclose the handwritten Homage so you can complete my notes and doigtés, as the Chester House in London will take care of the edition at the same time as the arrangement for piano, which would not modify the music of the original piece.
If you see fit, I shall offer this house – which also edited “El Amor brujo” – your two arrangements, which I can not wait to hear and I am so grateful for because of their inclusion in your programmes.
I beg you to let me know about your conditions, so I can pass them on to Chester, unless you prefer this house to contact you directly.

Getting back to the Homage, I must warn you I used red ink for the new indications and small modifications I introduced in the piece, most of which were recommended by you.
The issue of the Revue Musicále where it is published has just been realeased. Nevertheless, as I have only been sent one unit, I will order another one to happily send it to you.
Could you please indicate me the date of the issue of Le Temps where it is mentioned? I would be most grateful.
Addresser: Manuel de Falla Antequeruela. Alta Granada
In the third letter, Falla mentions again the composition of the other two pieces for guitar, and he excuses himself for not finishing them on time, due to the surgery he was having shortly. Nonetheless, he confirms the new two pieces for guitar are going vrey well.
The composer enclosed the handwritten Homage for Llobet to complete the indications for the latter publishing in Chester, telling him, like in the previous letter, that the original music remains exactly the same. It also mentions the arrangements Miguel Llobet has made to his works (Romance del pescador, and Canción del Fuego Fatuo, both of them of El Amor Brujo) and he offers him the possibility of publishing both of them in the same house.
Santiago Míguez de la Rosa, 28 de octubre de 2020.
Click to access the previous letters: