It’s already here: “LA INVENCIBLE” website!

Introduction of the new website of “La Invencible” (The Invincible) by Antonio de Torres.

Amigos, compañeros y seguidores de Solera Flamenca: Nos llena de satisfacción poder mostraros en primicia la nueva web de “LA INVENCIBLE”, un proyecto que os veníamos anunciando y que hoy por fin mostramos al mundo.

On this website, you will find history, biographical data, image galleries, and a section with VIDEOS where you all will be able to listen to this historic instrument, on great performers’ hands, both classical and flamenco, such as CARLES TREPAT, PEDRO JAVIER GONZÁLEZ, ALI ARANGO, ANTONIO REY… We also have a section where some more videos will be added frequently, in addition to our popular “great productions” video library. Besides, you can find a “BREAKING NEWS” section, with information about concerts, events and news related to “The Invincible”, and everything regarding the genius, Antonio de Torres. We do not intend to continue describing this web anymore. Instead, we would rather invite you to see it for yourselves…