Latest news on «I International Contest by Solera Flamenca (Year 2021 premio Solera Award of bulerias, Lebrija Town)».

It is getting closer: The I International Contest by Solera Flamenca is coming (Year 2021 premio Solera Award of bulerias, Lebrija Town). Now we would like to show you some details we have confirmed recently:

The contest will take place, should the pandemic allow it, on 30 January 2021 at 12h, and will finish at 13:30h, when the jury will leave in order to deliberate. In the meantime, there will be a performance by the guitarist ANTONIO JERO, accompannied by the palmas y jaleos (clapping and signing) of JUAN DIEGO and MANUEL VALENCIA, all of which will be hosted by MANUEL CURAO.

BOTH THE CONTEST AND ANTONIO JERO´S PERFORMANCE WILL BE BROADCAST ON STREAMING, and you will be able to watch all of it through the links we will publish on social media on the same day of the event.

As you can see, despite the pandemic and its restrictions, we will make an effort, and do everything we can so everybody has the chance to enjoy this important event.