

Flamenco guitar Sergio Valverde Castillo 2021

This flamenco guitar was built by luthier Sergio Valverde Castillo in 2021. Sergio Valverde Castillo has great experience working with wood: he learnt cabinetmaking and carpentry at the school workshop in Adra (Almeria) in 1998. Since then, he has always been working with wood and doing all kinds of carpentry, furniture, inlay and artistic works. His passion for music and musical instruments made him change his professional path and dedicate his skill with wood and his knowledge to build guitars and other stringed instruments such as the lute and the bandurria. He owes his knowledge as a guitar maker to the masters Stephen Hill and Pablo Requena and, subsequently, to the master Jesús Bellido and his family, who taught him everything he knows about lutes and bandurrias and let him use their original templates and moulds. In 2002, he opened his own workshop in Mecina Bombarón, a small village in La Alpujarra (Granada).

This flamenco guitar represents the beginning of our collaboration with Sergio Valverde. This is the first of many, as we have long awaited this first order due to the dedication and meticulousness with which this genius craftsman makes each of his guitars and to the international orders he receives. The result has been unbeatable, as we have received a guitar which is complete in every single way. Its woods are of the best quality, whose long drying process provides this instrument with that “well-done” timbre sound found on the finest antique guitars. This acoustic quality comes with a very personal timbre that reminds us in particular of Marcelo Barbero’s guitars’ timbre: dry, sharp, powerful and, above all, FLAMENCO! (SEE NEW)

We have had several guitars made by this excellent craftsman so far, but this one in particular has surprised us very positively: the flexibility its wood offers on the top influences the sound and the beating. It results, in turn, in extreme comfort for both hands, as well as a mature and deep sound, thus making this guitar one of the “funniest” to play.

The tension of this flamenco guitar is medium, and the height of strings in saddle and fingerboard is reduced. The fluidity with which the left hand works across the fingerboard together with the comfort of the touch of the right hand, thanks to a marked ‘rebound effect’, make it one of the most comfortable guitars we have tried.

The condition of this flamenco guitar is brand new.

Price 6,200.00 - SOLD

Out of stock




German spruce

Back and sides


Scale length

660 mm


French polish



String height 12th fret

2.5 mm

Saddle height

8.5 mm

Nut width

52 mm

Dist. between 1st-6th string at the nut

43 mm

Dist. between 1st-6th string at the saddle

57 mm


1310 gr



Included case

Prado brown or black

Optional case (plus 250€)


Optional case ( plus 650 € )

BAM Panther 8002XLB Hightech

Video recorded with strings

Solera Flamenca «Concierto» (Nylon)





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