29 Jul “TABLAO DE LA MORERÍA”, the fifth track of Jerónimo Maya´s latest album “PUREZA Y SOLERA”
“Tablao de la Morería”, a beautiful bulería in E Major, which Jerónimo dedicates to the legendary tablao “El Corral de la Morería”, in Madrid. This is a tablao which he knows quite well, as he spent most of his childhood there with his father, Felipe Maya, working and learning every day from all the artists on stage all along these years.
This beautiful buleria, somewhere between jaleos from Extremadura and the sound from Moron de la Frontera, proves how versatile Jerónimo was, gracefully moving between the immense variety of metals within flamenco, and in turn within the same flamenco subgenre. This variety is determined by its geographical origin, thus creating a sort of palette full of colours, with, for instance, bulerias from Moron, and from Jerez, for us to distinguish
In this composition, maestro Jerónimo makes us say “ole!” a thousand times, as we dance to his tunes with measured, unhurried beat “from behind”, which provides it with that majesty we can also hear from other geniuses of the guitar, such as Diego del Gastor, or Juan Vargas, among others.
As on previous occasions, this song is accompanied by Juan Mateo for the knucle-tapping, a real genius of the rhythm, who managed to cover this masterpiece with the “complex simplicity” coat which only a maestro like him could provide.
As we have been announcing for the last few weeks, we have started a brand new project: Solera Flamenca RECORDS (READ NEWS). A project for which we would very much like to have a big premiere, with the production of an album by Jerónimo Maya.
Each of the nine tunes composing this new album will be recorded in audiovisual format, and will be uploaded onto our web and YouTube channel every two weeks.
Once all the tunes are presented, the physical album (“CD”) will be released in audiovisual format, and these tunes will be presented in Barcelona, on December 2022, within the frame of the “De Cajón” Festival, organized by the firm “THE PROJECT”, a show which will count on the participation of great artists, such as Juan Mateo (percussion and knuckle-tapping), Pepe de Pura (singing and clapping), and the special collaboration of a guest artist: Karime Amaya (dancing).
“PUREZA Y SOLERA” is an unprecedented fresh musical proposal in which we find a highly influential Jerónimo, musically speaking. He is, at the same time, amusing and fun, but also harmonically complex and technically superb, as expected from him.
There is no doubt Jerónimo has reached something else by composing “PUREZA Y SOLERA”: musical maturity, that degree of knowledge, expression and communicative skill which all allow him to directly connect with the heart and soul of his audience.