The eighth part of Manuel de Falla´s unpublished letters to Miguel Llobet. They have been transcribed, once more, by Santiago Míguez de la Rosa. (IN THE LOWER SIDE OF THIS ARTICLE, WE WILL LEAVE YOU THE LINK TO THE PREVIOUS LETTERS PUBLISHED ON OUR WEB)
Granada, 18/XI/26
My most cherished Miguel:
Through Anita, you must know by now how much I have missed you during these unforgettable days in Barcelona, as well as my hopes to see you in Andalusia for the concerts arranged on 13 and 14 December in Seville, and other two ones, from 17 to 20, in Cádiz.
I hope Mr. Sharpe comes along, too! For him and for Mezquita (which must have received my letter from Lucerne), please send them my best regards, and for you, a friendly hug from
On December 1926, Manuel de Falla was given several tributes in Seville and Granada, cities where he was awarded the honorary title of Adoptive Son. He was also given tributes in Barcelona and Cádiz; These events were part of the tournée of the Bética Chamber Orchestra.

In this letter, he mentions José María López Mezquita, one of the most important portrait painters of that time, and one of the most prestigious painters in Granada. He painted people as important as Manuel Azaña, Miguel de Unamuno, the Count of Romanones, the bullfighter Machaquito, Her Royal Highness Infanta Isabel or Alfonso XIII.
The portrait of Manuel de Falla, panted by López Mezquita in 1928, was a comission by the Hispanic Society in New York.
Santiago Míguez de la Rosa, 2 December 2020.
Click to access the previous letters: